$40 Annual Race Fee Available Until March 15th!
The first race of the 2015 aggregate series is coming up – Sunday 15th March @ Coomie Track.
We are running the upfront annual race fee option again this year – no more scratching around for coins in the car every race !
$40 for entry to all 2015 races – excluding the 3hr Enduro. A little less than last year as we have a couple less races.
Bring cash at the first race (Sunday 15th March) or pay directly into the club account before the first race date – please reference your name.
Account details are:
Coomealla Mildura Mountainless Bike Club
BSB: 633-000
Account: 123077828
A reminder that all riders must hold a current MTBA licence or a Day Permit will be payable on race day at the cost of $20. This includes all juniors – the junior MTBA membership for under 13s is only $35 so head over to the MTBA website and sign up. Currently the MTBA are running a free 2 month trial http://www.mtba.asn.au/join for anyone who has not held membership in the last 3 years.
If you wish to accumulate aggregate points then you must also be a member of the Coomealla Memorial Sporting Club, and join the mountainless bike club at the same time. It’s only $20 for the year – and you get a free meal for your birthday ! You can join online at their website http://www.coomeallaclub.com.au/membership
Any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.